This woman gave birth to 8 babies at the same time and here is how the kids look after years…

In 2009, Natalie Suleman made history as the first woman worldwide to successfully carry and deliver eight healthy babies, a remarkable feat. At that time, she already had six children, each of varying ages.

Her pregnancy with octuplets catapulted her into the public eye, leading to numerous appearances on talk shows. Since the multiple births, she has maintained excellent health.

The majority of her time is dedicated to raising her children and promoting a healthy way of life.

Even at the age of 44, Suleman continues to engage in physical activities. She acknowledges that her motivation for life and vitality stem from her commitment to sports and proper nutrition.

Emphasizing the significance of a healthy lifestyle, she highlights how it positively impacts emotional well-being and overall health.

Her older children also actively participate in sports and draw inspiration from their mother’s example.

Natalie underlines the importance of sports, not only for physical development but also for emotional well-being, which enhances productivity. She takes pride in her children following in her footsteps as advocates of a healthy lifestyle.

Suleman actively maintains an Instagram page, where she frequently shares glimpses of her daily life. Her following on the platform has grown to over 240 thousand subscribers.

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This woman gave birth to 8 babies at the same time and here is how the kids look after years…
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