Salma Hayek had to take her photo down because of the harsh comments she got from people…

Fans continue to shower 56-year-old Salma Hayek with admiration, not only for her enduring beauty but also for her fashion choices that elegantly accentuate her feminine curves.

However, it appears that despite her stunning appearance, the actress herself may harbor insecurities about her youthful allure. This conjecture arises from her apparent inclination to retouch her photographs to such an extent that even her devoted fans sometimes find it challenging to recognize her.

Recently, the celebrity shared a new photo on her blog that stirred quite a buzz among internet users. It was evident that the image had undergone some form of editing, likely using tools like Facetune or similar programs, as Salma’s visage bore no trace of wrinkles or imperfections.

The reaction from her fans was a mixture of awe and dismay. Comments ranged from expressions of disbelief – “Who is this?” – to compliments on her seemingly ageless appearance – “You look like you are 25 years old.” Some voiced their concerns, urging her to embrace her natural beauty and ease up on the retouching – “You look amazing without any retouching. Please stop photoshopping your pictures so much.”

Critiques extended to a broader perspective, with internet users questioning the prevalence of image retouching among celebrities. Many expressed their surprise at the pervasive use of filters and digital alterations in the quest to appear decades younger on social media. They wondered aloud about the necessity of such endeavors.

Curiously, Salma Hayek herself has previously asserted that she has no need for the services of plastic surgeons and has no desire to defy the passage of time artificially. “I’m not a supermodel. And I have already met the man of my dreams,” she has emphasized in the past.

Perhaps it was this awareness of her authentic self that eventually led her to delete the retouched photo from her social media page, indicating her preference for authenticity over digital enhancements.

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Salma Hayek had to take her photo down because of the harsh comments she got from people…
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