Unforgettable Senior Prank by St. Andrew’s School Class of 2023. Watch the Hilarious Video Here.

The graduating class of 2023 at St. Andrew’s School in Delaware pulled off an awesome senior prank just a few days before they were set to graduate.

Late at night, the seniors snuck into their headmaster’s house and crashed there until the next morning when she came down to the kitchen.

When Joy McGrath walked in, she couldn’t believe her eyes. There were almost 80 students sprawled out all over her house – in the living room, library, dining room, back porch, and even the kitchen. They were literally everywhere!

The seniors had some help from Joy’s husband, who was in on the plan. Since the faculty members at the school live close to the students on campus, it made it easier for them to pull off the prank.

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Unforgettable Senior Prank by St. Andrew’s School Class of 2023. Watch the Hilarious Video Here.
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