This gigantic baby was born weighing 8 kilos and here is what she looks like today!

Fifteen years ago, an extraordinary story unfolded in an Altai maternity hospital: a baby girl was born weighing 7.75 kilograms, a remarkable departure from the typical newborn weight of around 3.3 to 3.4 kilograms.

Boys may have a slightly higher weight limit of up to 3.5 kilograms, and babies born to larger parents might reach around 5 kilograms.

In the case of Nadya, her mother Tatyana, an Altai resident and certified midwife, anticipated a larger baby and prepared for a cesarean section.

Nadya was born as the eleventh child in the family, and her birth weight astounded everyone at the maternity facility, weighing nearly 8 kilograms.

Despite her significant weight, Nadya’s health and development were normal, and she grew up alongside her siblings, reaching typical developmental milestones.

The news about this “bogatyr” (heroic) girl spread nationwide, prompting an outpouring of support, including toys, baby clothes, diapers, and financial assistance for the family.

As Nadya grew older, she blended in with her peers, attending a regular school and gradually resembling a typical young child.

Now 15 years old, Nadya has transitioned from being a news sensation to an ordinary girl, with no signs of her once-remarkable birth weight.

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This gigantic baby was born weighing 8 kilos and here is what she looks like today!
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