Halle Berry was involved in a legal battle against her daughter’s father… Wait till you see the results of the lawsuit!

Until recently, Halle Berry had experienced a series of unfortunate relationships with men. The actress, who had been married three times, found all three marriages to be accompanied by unpleasant memories.

Her involvement with the father of her eldest daughter, 15-year-old Nala, namely Gabriel Aubry, was particularly challenging.

Following their breakup, Aubry sought substantial financial support from Halle under the pretext of expenses related to Nala, for whom they shared joint custody.

After a prolonged legal battle spanning several years, Halle Berry successfully curtailed Aubry’s financial claims.

Upon their separation, a court order obligated Halle to pay Aubry $16,000 per month. Additionally, she was required to transfer 4.3% of all her income exceeding $1.95 million to Gabriel’s account. Given Halle’s average film fee of $10 million, this amounted to a substantial sum.

Perceiving this arrangement as unjust from the outset, Halle initiated a legal battle to uphold her rights to the money she earned. In 2021, she succeeded in halving her monthly payments to $8,000.

Recently, she achieved another victory, as the court set a cap on her payments. Regardless of her earnings, she will no longer be obligated to transfer more than an additional $109,000 annually to Aubry.

With the conclusion of this protracted legal process, Halle can now savor her long-awaited happiness.

Nearly three years ago, in 2020, she met musician Van Hunt, whom she considers the man of her life. Prior to this, she had not envisioned building such harmonious relationships with anyone.

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Halle Berry was involved in a legal battle against her daughter’s father… Wait till you see the results of the lawsuit!
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