This 90-year-old grandma graduated from college after quitting for almost 70 years… Watch the emotional video!

After a hiatus of more than 50 years since she first left school to embark on the journey of building a family, Joyce DeFauw, at the remarkable age of 90, achieved a significant milestone by graduating from college on December 11, 2022.

Her academic journey began in 1951 when she first entered college, and over the years, she evolved into a great-grandmother to 24 individuals and a grandmother to 17.

The decision to return to school was deeply rooted in Joyce’s commitment to family, as she shared with the local media.

Despite the decades that had passed since she last pursued formal education, Joyce successfully attained a bachelor’s degree in general studies from Northern Illinois University.

In imparting her wisdom to others, Joyce advocates for persistence and resilience. Her message resonates with the importance of not giving up, emphasizing the value of continuous learning and maintaining a sense of gratitude.

According to Joyce, the opportunity to pursue one’s dreams is always available, and taking risks is an essential part of the journey.

Her inspirational story serves as a testament to the idea that it is never too late to follow one’s dreams, encouraging everyone to dream big, persistently pursue their goals, and take pride in the journey, regardless of when it begins.

For a more in-depth understanding of Joyce’s experience, the accompanying video provides additional details.

Share this heartening narrative with friends and family to spread love, positivity, and the empowering message that with determination, dreams can be achieved at any stage of life.

Here is the video:

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This 90-year-old grandma graduated from college after quitting for almost 70 years… Watch the emotional video!
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