This 4-year-old girl from the United Kingdom is now known as the youngest genius ever…

The renowned organization for individuals with high intelligence, “Mensa,” has welcomed a 4-year-old British girl named Alannah George into its ranks. Alannah has displayed an exceptionally strong intellect at such a young age.

This 4-year-old girl from the UK has been acknowledged as the youngest genius in history, boasting an estimated IQ of 140 points. To put this into perspective, the IQ scores of theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein are around 160 points.

According to the Daily Mail, reporting on one of the youngest child prodigies globally, an average adult typically has an IQ of 100 points.

“Mensa” members consist of individuals with exceptional intellect, constituting no more than two percent of the global population. Alannah joined this organization at a remarkably early age, a feat few can claim.

The parents of this gifted youngster mentioned that Alannah displayed an unusually early interest in letters and numbers. She learned to read independently, without any guidance or specialized classes.

Alannah’s mother, 37-year-old Nadine, recognized her daughter’s giftedness when she started uttering her first words at just seven months old. By the age of one, the child prodigy was already forming complete sentences.

The parents sought specialists’ assessments when Alannah was not even three years old. The evaluations revealed that the toddler read and spoke at the level of a seven-year-old student.

Currently attending school, Alannah George’s parents are mindful of ensuring that she experiences a childhood similar to her peers. The family acknowledges Alannah’s undeniable uniqueness but admits they are still coming to terms with the extent of her potential.

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This 4-year-old girl from the United Kingdom is now known as the youngest genius ever…
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