This girl decided to stop washing her hair for 6 years and she shared the results…

For many years, hairdressers have been dedicated to creating hair care products that are both practical and effective.

However, amidst the abundance of shampoos, conditioners, and various hair care products, one young woman made a bold choice to adopt a radically different approach – she decided not to wash her hair for a period of six years. The results she achieved are truly impressive.

This unique journey was shared by the woman on the social media platform TikTok.

Laura Ashley, a 27-year-old vegetarian, made the decision to abstain from using shampoo, conditioner, and styling products six years ago.

Simultaneously, she transitioned to a plant-based diet, exclusively consuming plant foods and completely eliminating animal products such as cheese, milk, and meat from her diet.

The central claim made by Laura is that she solely employs pure water for the purpose of caring for her hair. To manage tangles, she simply runs a wide-toothed comb through her hair.

As the final step in her hair care routine, she applies a small amount of oil to the tips of her hair to prevent split ends.

The blogger openly admitted that after adopting this unconventional hair care routine, she observed a noticeable increase in hair growth, and her hair’s overall condition improved significantly.

However, Laura also shared that she regularly encounters negative comments from internet users who criticize her unconventional approach to hair hygiene.

Despite the criticism, Ashley remains committed to sharing her experiences on TikTok, and her posts have collectively garnered over a million likes.

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This girl decided to stop washing her hair for 6 years and she shared the results…
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