Passe-Partout, a prominent figure from the renowned show Fort Boyard, marked his 56th birthday in celebration…

When we mention “Passe-partout,” our immediate association is with the famous character created by Jules Verne. However, people worldwide also fondly remember another iconic figure from the popular TV game show “Fort Boyard” – Passe-Partout.

In 1990, alongside his fellow small-screen companions, Passe-Muraille and Passe-Temps, André Bouchet, known as Passe-Partout in real life, was enlisted by the show’s producers, capitalizing on the game show’s soaring popularity.

It’s worth noting that André, who recently celebrated his 56th birthday, was born in Issy-les-Moulineaux and grapples with dwarfism, standing at a stature of just 1 meter and 20 centimeters. His condition stems from a bone disease, a stark contrast to the normal height of his family members, particularly his tall sister, as he shared on the television program “Chez Jordan.”

Curiously, it might be his unique size that contributed to his widespread appeal. Despite his fame as Passe-Partout, André continues his day job as an RATP agent, earning a monthly income of 2000 euros, a testament to his down-to-earth approach to life.

Presently, this celebrated “Fort Boyard” character also engages in hosting events and showcases his singing talents.

His heart has found love, and he has been in a relationship for 12 years with Patricia, a talented chorister and the mother-in-law of Passe-Muraille. The couple is inseparable, with Patricia accompanying him on his life’s journey.

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Passe-Partout, a prominent figure from the renowned show Fort Boyard, marked his 56th birthday in celebration…
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