As they start with a concept that, while frequently possessing little appeal, can occasionally succeed and have captivating economic effects as well as positive environmental effects, small businesses are frequently a good example of tenacity.
Have you ever considered how many resources and waste are needed to put on a pair of shoes? Probably not. We have long taken for granted having footwear, but we have paid little attention to the activities that take place before and during its creation.
Portuguese-born Maria Otlia, 77, had a brilliant idea that she and her grandson came up with. Two or three years ago, they started the vegan and green business 8000Kicks together.
Bernardo Carreira, 27, left his job in the telecommunications sector and returned to Minde, a small Portuguese town in the Santarém region. He decided to start his own business after that, and what better place to do it than next to his grandmother?
Making sports shoes from a fiber appeared a little strange, if not downright crazy, despite the fact that Maria Otlia had more than 50 years of experience in the textile sector at the time. However, they began creating shoes. They concluded after extensive research that it has a number of ecological benefits. As an illustration, it uses less water to produce than cotton does.
The grandmother develops a line of ecological shoes made of caviar.
Additionally, with the help of an American business, we gathered recycled seaweed and added it to the soles of the shoes. And my grandmother can talk about it because she now only uses these templates.
All indications point to the company expanding after what began with a family savings investment and complete trust between grandmother and grandson.