Australian citizen Laura Mazza is the mother of three kids. After the birth of her first baby, Luke, a mother started blogging under the name The Mum on the Run about postpartum depression.
Now that Laura operates profiles on Facebook and Instagram, she has about 250 thousand followers who genuinely enjoy her sharing her life with them.
Laura believes it her obligation to assist other mothers in overcoming challenges. She is a social worker by trade and holds a master’s degree in psychology. However, recently it was discovered that possibly the best assistance was simply one post.
This paragraph was originally written as a result of an abusive comment made to me in response to a post about depression. After that, the woman apologized and claimed she had a rough day.
Laura understood that the commentator had just given birth to a child and that she herself was experiencing despair and a lack of ability to cope. The blogger created this article in her honor:
I frequently hear the statement, “I don’t know how you handle three, I can’t even do one.”
And I usually respond that the first question is the hardest.
I’ve never been more surprised, depressed, or worn out as I was the first time in my life. Three is indeed challenging. However, becoming a mother for the first time is like being sucked into and then thrown out of a tornado. Those are unquestionably the hardest times.
But I can state that you seem to become intoxicated on those days. There is nothing wrong with letting your kid fall asleep in your arms while you cuddle him. You are also free to choose whether to take action.
You might take a shower one day, and the next you might smell like an ape who just picked fleas off of your head.
You will experience both happiness and self-hatred depending on how badly you wanted a child. All of this is normal; you are not a horrible mother because of it.
It’s common to hire a babysitter, go to bed, leave the kid with a spouse, or just put the child in the crib to give yourself a moment to yourself.
Your mental well-being is crucial. It’s crucial to look for yourself. You remain a distinct individual. Being a good mother doesn’t require you to work yourself to the bone. You don’t have to forget who you are.