Although he appears to be little more than six months old, this is not the case.
Despite being 21 years old now, he stopped growing properly after six months.
The man is now only 60 cm tall and weighs 7 kilograms (kg).
It’s also unusual that a person’s physical growth would look this way at this point in maturity.
However, the people in the area where he currently lives regard him as a divine person. Because of this, people frequently adore him by groveling before him and pleading with him for favors.
This is due to the boy’s parents’ financial difficulties. The child’s parents hope that their tale will be published in publications all across the world.
By doing this, they seek to call attention to the problems that people all across the world confront.
Fortunately, none of his other family members have the illness. Even if such things have happened before, they are extremely uncommon.
There always seems to be something fresh and intriguing to learn about our world around every bend.
So, how do you interpret what just occurred? Post a comment below and let us know what you think.