Doctors in Japan have delivered the world’s smallest newborn boy, measuring 268 grams. How he now lives

During the following examination of a pregnant woman in August of last year, physicians discovered that the fetus had stopped developing. Despite the fact that the gestation period was only 24 weeks (3 months before the due date), a caesarean was performed.

The newborn baby boy weighed 268 grams. was immediately sent to the intensive care unit and hooked up to a ventilator. Doctors fought for the baby’s life and nursed him every day for six months.

“I didn’t think my baby would survive,”

And now, two months after the kid was due to be born, he is finally allowed to leave the hospital. It’s no longer a little, barely squeaking lump, but a full-fledged butuz. He is able to breathe on his own and consumes breast milk normally.

During his stay in the hospital, the youngster recovered 12 times and now weighs 3238 grams, just like any other infant.

“To be honest, I didn’t think my baby would survive.” And I’m thrilled to watch him grow so large and healthy,” the toddler’s mother told reporters.

It is believed that in children whose birth weight is less than 1 kg, many internal organs are not developed yet. Therefore, they may have problems with the work of the cardiovascular system and breathing. In addition, the extremely low level of the immune system makes such babies very vulnerable to any infections.

Nevertheless, the survival rate of babies weighing less than 1000 grams in Japan and other developed countries is almost 90%, and with a weight of less than 300 grams — about 50%.

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Doctors in Japan have delivered the world’s smallest newborn boy, measuring 268 grams. How he now lives
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