Diver John Moore, 55, observed a huge bull shark off the coast of Florida.
The male predator’s corresponding photo was posted on his Instagram page.
Several sharks swam alongside John Moore, but the man called attention to the bull shark.
According to him, the predator could be pregnant. Because of her actions, the man came to such assumptions.
“Most certainly pregnant and did not miss a single meal.”
She was a dominant shark that fearlessly swam up to me during the dive,” John added.
Bull sharks are quite slow swimmers.
Large invertebrates, tiny sharks, other fish, and dolphins make up the majority of the diet. Furthermore, any emissions are consumed alongside live prey.
They are roughly 60 centimeters long at birth. The adult length is 1.5 – 2.5 meters.
Pregnancy lasts 10 to 11 months, after which the female gives birth to 3 to 13 fry.
Males are aggressive towards any potential rivals, which sometimes even humans can be considered.
Their testosterone levels are higher than in any other vertebrate, which partly explains the aggressiveness.