The boy accepted his appearance, and this is how he now lives.

Our hero is one-of-a-kind not only because of his appearance, but also because he has managed to accept it while still a teenager.

This fact provided him with the opportunity to live a full life free of boundaries.

James McLeod was born with a pigmented spot on his face and was self-conscious about it as a child.

However, the boy was supported by his mother, who made it clear to him that his appearance does not make him inferior to others.

Then James began to see his oddity as a “highlight,” began to appear frequently in public, and quickly rose to fame in the United States.

James has written two books about children who differ in any way from their peers.

He also comes to schools and orphanages, supporting children with special needs, as his mother once supported him.

He is sure that his visits help children to believe in themselves.

Now more than 100 thousand fans from all over the world are following James‘ life, and his unusual appearance attracts the attention of advertising agencies and major brands.

“There is no need to be ashamed of yourself.

Be who you really are!”

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The boy accepted his appearance, and this is how he now lives.
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