A struggling mother entered a jewelry store to sell her necklace, but what happened next broke her heart.

A security video of a young Syrian employee preparing to close down a jewelry store in Dallas, Texas, has gone viral.

Noah, an asylum seeker from Syria, is currently residing in Dallas with his family.

As Noah was preparing to close the store, a mother and her two young children entered, hoping to sell an heirloom given to her by her mother.

In tears, the woman told Noah that she needed to sell the jewelry piece to pay her bills and feed her children.

Noah then examined the jewelry and asked the lady if the only reason she decided to sell it was for money, to which she replied, “Yes.”

He then took a few notes from his pocket and handed the woman both the cash and the jewelry. He also gave her his phone number in case she needed additional assistance in the future.

Noah later told her that just in case she needed money again, he told her to bring the jewelry back to the store and he would buy it

As a refugee from war-torn Syria, Noah knows better than most people how it feels to be helpless so it was more than just a sense of humanity when he saw how desperate the woman was.

“It doesn’t matter what religion you are, it doesn’t matter where you’re from,” Noah told CBS. “This is our humanity, everybody should do that.”

Watch the heart-warming footage of the unexpected kindness from the Syrian refugee here

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A struggling mother entered a jewelry store to sell her necklace, but what happened next broke her heart.
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