This video compilation of babies making daring crib escapes will make you laugh out loud.

Babies may not be the fastest walkers, but they are certainly brilliant when it comes to escaping from their cribs!

Climbing out of cribs is a common occurrence among parents, as these adorable and mischievous babies are constantly devising new ways to escape their cribs.

These babies will do anything to get out of their cribs, and it’s hilarious!

Just look at how determined this toddler is when she wants to play outside and the gates are locked

Apparently, cribs are not the only ones they are escaping from. This baby is trying his very best to escape from the safety gate

They might be babies but they knew that nothing could stop them from getting out of the crib. Look at his cheeky smile!

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This video compilation of babies making daring crib escapes will make you laugh out loud.
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