He had a “emergency,” which amused his father and is now amusing millions of other people.

Rachael from South Africa’s Sidewalk Specials recently rescued a starving little stray puppy by offering him a slice of bread. Unfortunately, the poor animal was abandoned. The adorable little one, on the other hand, wagged his tail and was overjoyed to see the rescue team.

Despite his hunger, the puppy wanted to share his piece of bread. Rachael believed they had arrived just in time for him. For nearly a week, the poor puppy had been scared and alone.

His unwavering optimism kept him going. The puppy spent the first night at the vet before being released to foster care the next day. So the baby spent a week with a foster family before being adopted.

Freya adopted the little puppy when he was 9-weeks-old. She decided to name him Gunnar. The cute animal now had a loving mom. He opened up to everyone in the family as soon as he arrived.

She felt like he was very thankful to Freya for adopting and taking care of him. Gunnar had probably never seen a lawn before. But, he was super curious about everything and wanted to find new things.

When he went to the beach after several years, he dug holes and ran as long as possible. He had a steady routine: run, sniff and return with a ball or a stone. Gunnar had this rock obsession when Freya adopted him.

He would search for a suitable rock and bring it to Freya as if he was gifting it to her. Gunnar was definitely the owner’s little rockstar. After Gunnar’s owner started to foster dogs, he was happy to have play buddies. He was naturally friendly and inquisitive. He would always show them around. Even after he grew up, he was still a happy little creature.

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He had a “emergency,” which amused his father and is now amusing millions of other people.
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