When Giant Husky reunites with his best friend, a Golden Retriever puppy, he goes bananas.

Dogs of various breeds do not always fight. However, there are times when such dogs can be the best of friends. A giant malamute and a golden retriever puppy recently demonstrated this.

Teddy, the malamute, was one of three similar breed dogs staying with a family in the United Kingdom. They also had a Maine cat and Buddy, a Golden Retriever puppy.

Buddy and Teddy were recently reunited at home after being separated for several days. They were overjoyed to see each other after so many days apart. Teddy walked into the room as Buddy sat quietly on a bed. They began playing with each other right away.

They started biting each other playfully on the bed. Finally, the two dogs got down on the floor after some time. However, their playful acts didn’t stop here. Teddy grabbed hold of the puppy’s favorite stuffed toy to tease Buddy, which he refused to give to the puppy.

Although Buddy tried to get it back from Teddy’s strong teeth, he was no match for the giant malamute. Teddy soon climbed on the bed with the stuffed toy still in his mouth. However, Buddy was too small to jump on the bed independently. Eventually, he was helped by their owner.

Once on the bed, the two dogs got quieter, and both started licking and sniffing each other. However, staying silent for long was not their plan. Soon the two pets began biting each other playfully once again.

Buddy was so small that half his head went inside Teddy’s mouth. Nonetheless, the two kept on playing with each other. According to their owner, both would continue playing similarly for almost five hours. After which, the two would get tired and go to sleep.

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When Giant Husky reunites with his best friend, a Golden Retriever puppy, he goes bananas.
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