Kotaro (male) and Hana (female) were small-clawed otters who lived with their caring owner in Tokyo, Japan. Nobody could resist the enchantment of these two otters. The famous otters recently had some unexpected visitors.
The owner’s house was visited by a friend, his wife, and three children. When the visitors arrived, the otters were upstairs in their room. The curious pets, on the other hand, couldn’t help but come downstairs.
As soon as Kotaro and Hana arrived, they noticed a small boy, Kohaku, peering up the stairs. The animals were startled to see a new face staring back at them. The boy, however, quickly returned to the living room.
The pet otters dashed down the stairs, but the boy appeared at the bottom to greet them. He soon began conversing with Kotaro and Hana. The pets followed the little boy, who went straight to his siblings’ seats.
Kotaro and Hana met the boy’s parents before meeting Iroha, a sweet little girl sitting silently on the couch. The otters were ecstatic to meet the kids, but they were more interested in the baby.
The tiny human was also curious about the creatures roaming around the living room. The kids were not scared of the otters and played with Kotaro and Hana’s toys. The baby wanted to play with the pets.
However, Kohaku & Iroha were much more interested in the toys the otters had. With time, the kids relaxed around the pets. However, there was not even a moment Kotaro and Hana were not curious about the little ones visiting their house for the first time.