In a heartwarming moment, a 5-year-old invites his entire class to his adoption ceremony.

Andrea Melvin and Dave Eaton have been married for ten years but have never had children. Andrea and Dave can finally adopt Michael Clark, Jr. after fostering him for almost a year.

Michael invited his entire kindergarten class to be a part of this wonderful occasion. Michael’s teacher, Mrs. McKee, was delighted to assist with the planning of the field trip.

Michael is focused on his class. His students have become like family to him. It was only natural to invite them to the adoption ceremony.

Judge Patricia Gardener acknowledged the special guests in her courtroom that day. Mrs. McKee’s class had prepared paper hearts attached to wooden sticks to signify their support for Michael.

Judge Gardener made the adoption official when she said, “It is ordered Michael, that your forever mom and dad will be David Andrew Eaton and Andrea Louise Melvin.”

The new family was interviewed after the ceremony by ABC News. Michael told the camera crew, “I love my daddy!” He repeated the line, and his father, Dave, bowed his head in gratitude.

Dave and Andrea encourage any adults who have ever thought about adoption to pursue their options. Everyone was full of emotion and celebration in Judge Gardener’s courtroom that day. Michael now has a family, and all of his classmates shared in his official acceptance into a forever family.

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In a heartwarming moment, a 5-year-old invites his entire class to his adoption ceremony.
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