When the woman was in her 38th week of pregnancy, she found out she was expecting a child. What made it possible?

This amazing story is nothing short of a miracle.

Almost until the birth, the girl had no idea she was pregnant, yet God blessed her with a perfectly healthy kid.

While mom is overjoyed at the moment, she claims that she and her husband had already given up hope of ever having their own children.

Lauren has already suffered two miscarriages, so they’ve accepted the fact that they’ll be childless for the rest of their lives.

Everything was as usual; the woman went about her business, went to work, went for walks, went shopping…

And it turned out that their family will be filled shortly before Thanksgiving.

Lauren was 38 weeks pregnant at the time.

Baby Wyatt was born on December 2, 2019.

Later, the woman explained why she did not know about her pregnancy.

The fact is that she was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries a long time ago, because of this, she has had an irregular cycle all her life.

As doctors say, it is not uncommon for a woman to live and not know about her situation, especially with a physique like Lauren’s.

And she, in turn, says that there were practically no changes in her figure, her clothes were sitting on her, as before.

“I don’t think I can love anyone more than my son.

His appearance is the best gift I could get,” says the newly–made mother

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When the woman was in her 38th week of pregnancy, she found out she was expecting a child. What made it possible?
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