Mommy is on the floor when the kitten notices her. I wouldn’t have stood a chance against what happened next, either.

There are few things cuter in the universe than a kitten begging for attention. Black holes lack the gravitational power of a kitten begging you to drop everything and look at him/her RIGHT NOW. Suddenly, you’re drawn to the kitten almost against your will. Take a look at this video of a kitty in Japan. I challenge you to move your gaze away from the screen. I’m sure you can’t.

On the floor, we notice a kitten. He approaches his mother, who is also seated on the floor. He is in desperate need of attention, and he wants it now. She pets him for a while after he meows. He then climbs into her lap after placing his small paws on her leg. MORE PETTING, MORE PETTING, MORE PETTING, MORE PETTING, MORE PETTING Mommy is more than happy to help. C’mon. You’d do the same thing if you were in her shoes. Yes. You. Would.

I must say, there’s something extremely calming about her petting this cute kitten in the video. Seeing this kitty being stroked on the head made me feel at ease as well. Doctors should probably display this video to all patients before doing any type of surgery. Even if they were performing root canal surgery without an anesthetic, I’m very sure viewing this would make me feel nothing if I were at the dentist. I wouldn’t go that far, though.

It’s been suggested that caressing a cat helps lower blood pressure. Petting THIS cat, on the other hand, would make me drowsy to the point of unconsciousness. “Aww… cute kitty,” I’d say. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ It’d be reassuring in that way. Perhaps science should clone him and distribute the clones as therapy animals to hospitals and nursing homes all around the world. Oh, wait, the prequels to “Star Wars” revealed how cloning may go awry. It’s all right.

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Mommy is on the floor when the kitten notices her. I wouldn’t have stood a chance against what happened next, either.
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