Ariana Smith, a three-year-old girl, has captured our hearts. The toddler from Maine did something that most kids would never consider, and her reasoning was sweet and simple. Her selfless deed? She’s donating 10 inches of her stunning golden locks to Locks of Love. The haircut was also a significant milestone in Ariana’s life; it was her first haircut, and it was certainly a memorable one.
Ariana happened to see a video her father was watching that featured a young girl who had lost her hair as a result of medical treatments. “She can have some of my hair!” she said right away.
This prompted the hair donation, revealing to the Smiths that their young daughter had a big heart. Ariana’s incredible performance will ensure that another girl, just like her, can feel normal and beautiful, as every child should. This amazing little girl could teach us a thing or two about empathy.
Lovin’ this new look, Ariana!