Kitten Discovers a Newborn Fawn on His Porch What he does next had me in stitches.

There are times when we are far too inquisitive for our own good. If something is lying motionless on our porch, it’s a good idea to contact authorities, either animal or human, and have them look into what’s going on. Who knows what will happen if you disturb them? Then it’s possible that you, not the animal or person, are in need of assistance. The kitten in this video clearly hasn’t learned that lesson.

We notice a fawn on the front porch. She’s a relative newborn, and she’s adopted a pose that gives the impression that she’s dead to those around her. Aside from the active breathing thing, she could have fooled me at first glance. Miro, a kitten, is behaving like a child in an attempt to get one of those Buckingham Palace guards to move. He’s batting the fawn’s ears and face… However, the fawn is not moving.

Miro doesn’t realize that the fawn is playing possum in order to get the people to leave so that her mother can find her and take her with her. By rubbing his scent on the deer, this kitty is exacerbating the situation. Who knows if her mother will accept her now? First, it was her inability to walk properly, and now this. Nature can be cruel at times, but that’s just how life is.

There is a follow-up video in which the man who found the newborn deer picks her up and, after the fawn unsteadily runs to hide in a corner, takes her outside his yard and into the forest, where she then scampers off, no doubt relieved that Miro did not follow and start bonking her on the head again. That would necessitate some kind of deer aspirin. Hopefully, the fawn found her mother and everything was fine.

What were your thoughts on the video? That fawn was adorable to me. Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Kitten Discovers a Newborn Fawn on His Porch What he does next had me in stitches.
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