Around the fire, kittens cuddled up with dogs. But What Happened When Mom Said “Dinner?” PRICELESS!

If you’ve ever had a cat or dog, you’re well aware of how far they’ll travel for a few treats. They are very food-focused, which may be both a plus and a disadvantage.

They may sneak a few treats now and then, but this desire for food has long been used to train and condition them. The cats and dogs in the video below are an excellent illustration.

With their two canine buddies, these cats were cuddled up warmly. They didn’t give a damn about anything. They appeared to be very secure and comfortable in one other’s company. However, as soon as mum says “Dinner,” they all leave their seats and rush to eat something. If you own a cat or a dog, you may be familiar with this situation.

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Around the fire, kittens cuddled up with dogs. But What Happened When Mom Said “Dinner?” PRICELESS!
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