Otter and BFF Kitten Cuddle on the Couch for Daily Naps, And It’s Otterly Adorable

Sakura the otter is an incredibly cute pet with her effervescent demeanor, beautiful squeaks, and baby face. But her strong friendship with a kitten named Mochi, who is not only her partner in crime but also her favorite cuddling buddy, is even cuter.

Sakura and Mochi share a residence in Japan. What is their preferred pastime? We’re taking a snooze together. Sakura is a small-clawed Asian otter, around the same size as Mochi. But that doesn’t stop her from seeing herself as the huge spoon, lying beside Mochi’s back with her arm draped over her bestie.

They normally take naps on a couch pillow, trading yawns before lying down and falling asleep. With Sakura’s arm about her or the young otter curled up in a ball and nuzzled into her bosom, Mochi feels fully at rest.

However, as soon as Mochi wakes up, they’re both off to the races, dashing off the couch and onto the next adventure. Sakura is so enamored with Mochi that she occasionally adopts cat mannerisms such as pouncing and batting with her paws.

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Otter and BFF Kitten Cuddle on the Couch for Daily Naps, And It’s Otterly Adorable
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