Even more than his own shadow, this mama cat is at her baby’s side. This is parenting in its purest form.
A big city, especially a raucous metropolitan setting like Los Angeles, is no place for a stray cat. A shelter accepted a mother cat and her two babies.
All three kittens were given excellent care, however, one of them was unable to continue. Mama cat was twice as attentive with only one kid remaining.
She was so enamored with the single cat that she occasionally forgot to eat. Workers at the shelter had to make sure she got nourishment.
Under the care of his mother and the shelter personnel, the one remaining kitten thrived. Mama cat was never a lap cat, but she did relax in her new, secure habitat.
Even though the kitten has grown up, Mama Cat isn’t slowing down in her duties as a mother. The shelter is hoping to find homes for both of them at the same time.