Parents capture newborn twin’s short life with heart-worming photos

Many parents enjoy taking photographs of their newborn children. These are a great way to remember those first few weeks with their new family members. The Brentlinger family, on the other hand, will treasure the newborn images of their twins for a heartbreaking reason. They realized their son William’s stay on Earth would be limited due to cardiac abnormalities. Before it was too late, this photographer shot their adorable infant boy and his sister.

The Short Lives of Twin Babies are Captured in Newborn Photos Together
Lindsay and Matthew Brentlinger of Ohio were overjoyed when they learned they would be having not one, but two children. Unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived. Their kid, William, was diagnosed with cardiac defects and would most certainly be born stillborn, according to the physicians.

Twin Babies’ Short Lives Captured in Newborn Photos
Lindsay, on the other hand, miraculously gave birth to two healthy infants. They were overjoyed to finally meet their kid, but they also knew his life would be cut short. It might last weeks, days, or even hours, according to the doctors.

“I was so happy they were finally here and that Will was stable,” Lyndsay said. “But I was also scared of when I would lose him.”

All they could do was enjoy what little time they had with their baby boy, and to enjoy being parents to a set of twins while they could. Their friend Mandy Edwards decided she wanted to help them preserve these memories as best she could. She reached out to local photographer Lindsay Brown to see if she would be available at the last minute to do a family photoshoot.

The Unique Newborn Photographs
Brown was, of course, completely filled up with only a few days till Christmas. She decided she had to help after hearing this family’s heartbreaking story.

“I knew immediately I had to do this for them,” said Brown. “How could anyone with a heart say no to that?”

Brown went to the family’s house that weekend to do the shoot. It was a profound experience for her as a photographer. For the family, it was completely unforgettable. They were extremely grateful that Brown took the time out of her busy schedule to do this shoot for them.

“I could not believe how perfect they both looked. They were both in the five-pound range when I photographed them. William was extremely alert as if he was trying to take it all in, while little Reagan slept and barely opened her eyes,” Brown said of the shoot. “It was extremely bittersweet the entire time I was there. They acted and looked perfect. You would literally NEVER have known something was wrong with sweet Will.”

Just a few days after the shoot, at just 11 days old, little William passed away.

A Special Time For The Brentlingers
This was naturally a very difficult time for Linsday and Matthew. The conflicting emotions of being first-time parents all the while knowing that one of their children would die very soon were complicated. This photoshoot has given them the gift of memories. Not only will they be able to look back on them, but William’s sister Reagan will also forever have these photos with her twin brother to look at.

The 11 days they spent as a family of four, according to the parents, were some of the happiest days of their lives. These photographs, according to Lindsay, will be among her most prized things for the rest of her life.

“Most importantly, I plan to share them with Will’s sister, Reagan, when she is older,” Lyndsay said. “I will use them to tell her about her brother who is now her angel in heaven.”

For photographer Brown, this was an experience and opportunity that she, too, will cherish. She is incredibly grateful that she was able to capture this family’s precious memories with their baby boy. She hopes that the photos will bring them comfort and joy for many years to come.

“Knowing they’ll be able to look back on [these photos] for the rest of their lives, and to one day show them to Reagan when she’s older, warms my heart more than I can put into words.”

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Parents capture newborn twin’s short life with heart-worming photos
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