Every week, a toddler begs to go to Kroger to see his best friend.

You never know when you’ll meet someone who shares your interests. It can even happen while you’re checking out at the supermarket.

Allyson, a busy parent, observed as her two-year-old son, Charlie, made an instant connection with a bagger at the local Kroger’s store. Erin, a young woman bagging their groceries, saw Charlie’s odd physical look and inquired hesitantly whether the boy had Downs syndrome.

Erin informed them that she, too, has Downs after Allyson confirmed that Charlie has Downs. Erin and Charlie became friends after that. When Allyson came into the store the next week, Erin and Charlie resumed their friendship exactly where they had left off. Since then, they’ve made it a point to stop by the business every Tuesday to say hello to Erin.

“I can be across the store and she sees me, waves, and we exchange greetings.” With a laugh, Allyson replied, “She’s kind to everyone, not just me.” Erin usually allows Charlie to assist her in bagging their goods at the shop. She’ll also take Charlie for a ride in a grocery cart, zooming up and down the aisles while Charlie squeals with delight.

Erin claims she recognized a kindred soul the moment she glanced into Charlie’s eyes. “When he looked at me with his eyes, I felt a strong sense of connection.” “I could tell he was connected to me by his eyes,” she explained.

Allyson says that just seeing Erin working hard and reaching out socially gives her hope for her own son’s future.

“Anytime you see any person with special needs, it’s always, to me, inspiring to see them in the workplace because it just proves to the rest of the world who might have any doubts or concerns that they can do that too,” Allyson said.

“It gives me hope for Charlie’s future of all the things he might be capable of.”

You just never know where you’ll meet your new best friend. We’re so happy that Erin and Charlie got to meet, and we hope their Tuesday Kroger ritual continues for many wonderful years of friendship.

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Every week, a toddler begs to go to Kroger to see his best friend.
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