Watching a bunch of babies and their “poo faces” in slow-motion is pure gold

Around the age of one, most babies begin to speak. Sure, some people speak more quickly than others, and some people take longer to develop their first words. However, until then, their parents must rely on other methods to communicate with their children, such as guessing what they want and need based on their facial expressions, body language, and gestures.

Even so, most parents are aware of what is going on in their children’s heads. They recognize their “I’m hungry” look, “I’m ready to fall asleep” expression, and even “I’m going to the bathroom” face.
Pampers’ ‘don’t fear the mess’ commercial, which was inspired by real-life customer experiences, depicts newborns’ ‘poo expressions’ in slow motion. Although the commercial was launched early last year, it continues to receive a lot of love and attention online.

We all need more videos like this to remind us of the simple things in life and make us smile because life isn’t always easy. If you found this video helpful in getting through your hectic day, please share it with others so that they can benefit from it as well.

I can’t get over how cute these kids are! This is something you must see!

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Watching a bunch of babies and their “poo faces” in slow-motion is pure gold
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