It Can Be Hard to Discipline Kids when You Are Trying Not to Laugh at The Same Time

Children are as unpredictably unpredictable as the water. You never know what you’re going to get from them. If you’ve ever cared for small children, you’ve definitely encountered a variety of strange and unusual scenarios. Thanks to his two young sons, the sad father in the video below have seen a lot of horrific scenes. When you see the state these kids are in, you will be in tears.

He discovered his two little sons with paint all over their faces. The father does the natural thing and confronts them. They’re in the bathtub right now, but the major action took place below. When their father confronts them, these tiny boys appear afraid, and they are too stunned to respond.

Finally, the big brother tells that the little brother constructed some stairs and obtained the paint from the shelf. When the younger brother shakes his head nay, it’s hilarious. “Yes, Daddy,” they both say when Dad asks if they’re in trouble. It’s just too adorable.

I’m not sure how the father manages to keep a straight face. They both answer no when he asks if they should take a break. They, of course, say no! Everyone starts laughing at one point. These two are apparently going to bed without any juice, so I’d say they got off easy. Bath time should be enjoyable.

They might have made a huge mess, but kudos to dad for handling it in such a nice way. Watch this adorable family video below. This dad trying not to laugh while scolding his boys is sure to have you laughing, too.

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It Can Be Hard to Discipline Kids when You Are Trying Not to Laugh at The Same Time
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