Couple Adopts Three Kids Under Four Years Old to Keep Biological Brothers Together

If you have a loving family, you are in a better position than many others in the world. When three brothers were seeking a forever home, they realized they could have to live apart unless one couple changed everything.

Joey, who is only three years old, is the oldest, followed by his two-year-old brother Logan and one-year-old brother Noah. These three little boys wanted to grow up alongside each other and keep their small family united.

Lena and KC Currie of Sudbury, Massachusetts adopted the oldest boy after attending a Children’s Friend program. “We saw a photo of Joey and Children’s Friend said [it] may be a suitable match,” Lena explained. “At the time, he was 18 months old.”

The Curries received a call from Children’s Friend shortly after regarding Joey’s six-week-old brother. Noah needed a new home, and the Currie family jumped at the chance. After things went wrong with Logan’s adoption, Lena and KC decided to adopt him as well. They’ll be reunited as a family for the rest of their lives.

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