When the boys were playing hide and seek, they came across a small creature. Only a month later, they realized what it was.

The boys were playing hide and seek when while hiding the boy saw a little animal under the bushes.

At first, he did not get what animal it was: a kitten or a puppy since he was tiny.

It was evident when he took him that the child was dealing with a puppy.

His friend and the boy were taken aback when they discovered that adorable little one alone in the bushes, and the boy carried him home.

His mom helped him in the feeding and the whole process of care of the little one and in a month he grew up enough to manage to eat on his own.

To find the pup was not the only surprise in this story.

Another on was to find out that the pup was a purebred Chihuahua.

Till today it is a big question how the pup appeared under the bushes alone without any note.

However, he is safe and sound, and most importantly happy in his new family.

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When the boys were playing hide and seek, they came across a small creature. Only a month later, they realized what it was.
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