When she said yes to the African guy, she had no idea who she would marry.

The girl couldn’t conceive marrying a foreigner, and her mother was opposed to having a son-in-law from another nation.

However, against physicians’ predictions, an average girl fell in love with a Chadian prince and gave birth to his daughter.

Helen had never met anyone before Abdel, and she kept their relationship a secret from her family.

Her mother had a negative reaction to international weddings, the girl knew.

She was anxious about public opinion and made it clear that she did not want her daughter to be with Africans.

However, it was love, and in 2014, Abdel and Helen got married.

The couple went to the Republic of Chad for a while, to her husband’s homeland.

And only after four and a half years of marriage, did Helen find out that her husband was a prince.

After two years of marriage, the couple dreamed of having a child. But the doctors’ forecasts were disappointing.

However, Esmeralda Marie-Claire was born in December 2016.

Now Helen lives in complete freedom.

The woman has realized her long-standing dream.

She is engaged in make-up and floristry.

And he also works in the field of SMM, keeps a blog, and unpacks personalities according to archetypes.

The young woman is also fond of psychosomatics and is engaged in handmade – weaving unusual jewelry from beads.

Helen is immensely happy with her husband and daughter.

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When she said yes to the African guy, she had no idea who she would marry.
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