They were expecting a little one. They had a double reason to rejoice after the birth.

One of the largest boys was born in 2018.

At birth, his weight was 7.09 kilograms!

Niko was the name of this miraculous hero.

He is already the eighth child in the family and the only boy.

The knowledge that it would be a son was not revealed to the parents until after the birth, and the family’s father did not believe it at first.

As the joyful mother points out, their prior daughter was also a big baby.

She weighed 6.5 kilograms when she was born.

Niko, on the other hand, shattered all previous records.

Many people were shocked by the boy, according to the ecstatic father.

However, the family is not in the mood for holiday feasts right now.

The only thing on my mind is how to feed a large family.

In his hometown, although he is a veterinarian by training, there is no steady job.

As a result, I’ll have to work extra jobs to supplement my income rather than relying on government assistance, says Alex.

There is very little information about the matured Niko on the Internet because the Dyadko family leads the most ordinary and non-public lifestyle.

After the birth of the boy, journalists visited the house, but now you can find only rare pictures in social networks.

Despite the difficulties and the old house, which is already 100 years old, the family considers itself the happiest and friendliest, and this is the most important thing for them.

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They were expecting a little one. They had a double reason to rejoice after the birth.
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