This girl’s IQ is higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking

This little girl is only eight years old in this photo, but you won’t believe it when I tell you that she has already completed high school and is enrolled in two universities. Adara Maite Perez Sanchez has always been different from other children, and she was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at the age of three. This is a behavioral disease that makes societal socialization extremely challenging.

“When Adara went to kindergarten, the teachers considered her a “black sheep.” At school, too, she was different and did not make contact with them in any way. Teachers tried to help her make friends and join the team, but they did not succeed. So she didn’t have any friends there,” says Nayeli, Adara’s mother.

Despite the communication issues, the girl grew up to be a very bright young lady. Her academics were simple for her, and she had an excellent recall. Adara particularly enjoyed mathematics and astronomy. Teachers began advising parents to send their children to a special school for talented children after noticing that the girl was growing up to be a genius. Unfortunately, the family lacked the financial means to pay for such training. Adara, meantime, finished from high school and enrolled in two universities.

She is studying virtually, and in the future plans to become an industrial and systems engineer. And Adara is also studying mathematics and English at the National University of Mexico at home, and of course, receives a scholarship. The IQ of this little girl is 162 points, and this is already 2 points higher than that of the geniuses of our time, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. At the moment, the girl is participating in the International Aerospace Program, where NASA experts teach.

After finishing her studies in Mexico, Adara wants to go to the University of Arizona in the USA and study astrophysics. At such a young age, Adara is already one of the most influential Mexican women according to Forbes magazine for 2019.

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This girl’s IQ is higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking
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